Pure SilkSkin


Say Goodbye to Unwanted Hair, Pain-Free Forever!

✨ Latest technology
✨ Studio quality laser light
✨ Pain free hair removal
✨ Easy to use
✨ Smooth design

The Pure SilkSkin hair removal device uses a form of light therapy known as Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology to remove body hair. Pure SilkSkin IPL hair removal will remove your unwanted hair easily, gently, quickly and reliably.


Cheaper than Laser and Way Less Painful than Waxing!

The Pure SilkSkin IPL Hair Removal Device uses a form of light therapy known as Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology to remove body hair. A pulse of light energy is transferred through the skin and absorbed by melanin in the hair shaft, where it is converted into heat energy. This heat energy prevents further hair growth. 5 flash modes that make hair removal simple depending on your hair.

For the best results, we recommend shaving with a razor before you use your Pure SilkSkin IPL Hair Removal Device for the first time. Then, simply press the device onto your skin where you would like to remove the hair and it will deliver a pulse (quick flash) of bright light. That’s all you need to do to begin the hair removal process! 600,000 flashes possible for complete and permanent hair removal treatment.

The average woman spends 1,728 hours shaving their legs over the course of a lifetime. Using the Pure SilkSkin IPL Hair Removal device could save you hundreds of hours!

The Pure SilkSkin is an ideal solution for long-term, permanent hair removal, with noticeable results in just 4 weeks, and full results within 12 weeks. device will completely stop unwanted hair growing back.